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Glossary of terms at Flowlu

You may have heard these definitions many times, but you have never analyzed in detail what they mean. Therefore, you can start studying.
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Flowlu - Glossary of terms at Flowlu
File Sharing
File Sharing: The process of sharing files and documents across teams and departments, often done through cloud storage or file-sharing platforms.
Financial Management Software
Financial Management Software: A software application designed to help individuals and businesses manage their financial accounts, transactions, and reporting.
Financial Reporting
Financial Reporting: The process of generating financial statements and reports for an organization or individual, often involving activities such as balance sheet preparation, income statement analysis, and cash flow forecasting.
Financial Analytics
Financial Analytics: The process of analyzing financial data to identify patterns, trends, and insights, often involving activities such as data mining, forecasting, and scenario analysis.
Financial Planning
Financial Planning: The process of creating a long-term financial plan for an individual or organization, often involving activities such as retirement planning, estate planning, and investment management.
Financial Risk Management
Financial Risk Management: The process of identifying, assessing, and managing financial risks for an organization or individual, often involving activities such as risk analysis, risk mitigation, and risk transfer.
Financial Compliance
Financial Compliance: The process of ensuring compliance with financial regulations and standards, often involving activities such as audit preparation, financial statement review, and internal controls.
Financial Forecasting
Financial Forecasting: The process of predicting future financial performance based on historical data and trends, often involving activities such as scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, and trend analysis.
Financial Dashboard
Financial Dashboard: A visual display of financial data and metrics, often used for monitoring and decision-making purposes.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions. A section of the knowledge base that provides answers to common questions.
Feedback: Information provided by customers about their experience with a product or service, used to improve future offerings.
Front-End Development
Front-End Development: Front-end development involves creating the visual and interactive elements of a website, including the layout, typography, and navigation.
Funnel: A funnel is a marketing term that refers to the series of steps that a potential customer goes through before making a purchase. The funnel typically includes stages such as awareness, interest, consideration, and purchase. Marketing and sales teams use funnels to track and optimize the customer journey, with the goal of increasing conversions and revenue.
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