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  4. Leaves & Absences

Leaves & Absences

This feature allows you to track when employees have absences, business trips, sick leaves, or any type of leave.

Leaves and Absences will help you stay informed about when the employees or teammates are out of the office, so you can plan activities better and avoid overlapping.

Except for the 4 default types of absences (paid absence, business trip, sick leave, and absenteeism), there are also holidays and your custom absences.

How to Install Leaves & Absences

To add this feature, click your avatar in the top right corner and go to the Apps tab.

Find the Leaves & Absences.

Click the Install button.

Since the app is installed, you can find it in the My Team tab.

List of All Absences

In this list, you can see all the previous, current and future absences. You can filter them by employees, dates, comments, and status.

How to Create an Absence

To create a new absence, click the Create button in the top right corner.

Here you can specify the name, type of absence, start and end dates, and leave a comment. If the absence is overlapped by a holiday, you can also take it into account. 

Absence Chart

In the absence chat, you can see all the past, current, and future absences. Each type has its own unique color. You can not only observe absences per employee, but also see upcoming holidays.

In the chart, you can filter absences by employees and years.

To change the view, hover over the chart, press Shift and scroll to zoom in or zoom out.

How to Create a Custom Type of Absence

To create a custom absence type, click the three-dot button in the top right corner → Absence Types. There you’ll find the full list of absence types. 

To create a new one, click the Create button.

In the opened window, you can specify the name and select the color. Also, there is an option to add custom duration, which will be default for this absence type. You can also change the duration for default absence types (sick-leave, holiday, business tripe, etc.). In the absences chart, your custom type will be displayed with the color you choose.

Include holidays option takes public and custom holidays into account if any absence matches the holiday. If this option is turned off, the duration will remain as set.

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