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  3. Finance
  4. Invoices
  5. Organization Settings

Organization Settings

In Flowlu, you can add one or more organizations to create Estimates and Invoices on their behalf or track cash flow.

To customize your organization, click the profile picture in the top right corner and go to Portal SettingsFinanceAccounts and Organizations.

You will see that one organization has already been created by default. Click on its name and go to the settings of the organization.

Here you can specify the following data:

  • Organization short name — it is used only inside the system to be pre-filled into the account. The legal name will be displayed in the invoices.
  • Billing and shipping addresses.
  • Contacts — website, email, phone numbers, fax.
  • Information about taxes. The specified tax rates will be automatically calculated in the invoice. Leave the fields blank if you do not need this option.
  • Upload a logo, if you want it to be displayed in the invoices.
  • If necessary, specify the prefix (alphabetic values) to be displayed before the invoice number and the starting number. Issued invoices will be automatically numbered from the number you specify. At any time, you can reset the numbering and start it over from any number.
  • In the Payment terms, specify the number of days you give the customer to pay the invoice. The Payment Due date will then be automatically pre-filled in the invoice. When there is a payment due date, but the invoice remains unpaid, the invoice gets the Overdue status. You can always change the payment terms for each invoice.
  • you can hide item tax information if you do not want the client to see the amount of assessed taxes in the received invoice.

After filling all the required fields, click Save.

If you plan to issue invoices and keep track of cash flow for several organizations, mark as Default the company that you will use more frequently.

This organization will be selected into the invoice by default. If necessary, you can change it at any time.

Add more organizations through the appropriate button:

After filling all fields, click Save. Now you can proceed to the settings of the custom invoice template.

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