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  3. Finance
  4. Invoices
  5. How to Change the Numbering

How to Change the Numbering

In the Organizations Settings, you can modify the starting number for estimates and invoices. 

Go to Portal SettingsFinanceOrganizations. In the Invoices, indicate the starting number.

To do this, click the Edit button:

In the pop–up window, enter the number after which the numbering should start. For example, if you need the numbering of invoices to start from the number 50, then indicate 49.

On the same page in Estimates section, you can set the numbering following the same principle.

Changing for estimates

After saving the settings, all numbers will automatically be generated from the specified number.

How to Change the Number of Invoice or Estimate Manually

For any invoice, or estimate, you can change the number manually with the prefix. To do this, you need to enable this option in the settings of the Finance section.

  • Go to the Portal SettingsFinanceMain Settings
  • Mark the Set an invoice number manually and Set an estimate number manually options.

After that, the field for entering the number manually will appear in the invoices and estimates.

Invoice Editing Page

You can change the invoice and estimate number immediately or after creation. When creating a new invoice, estimate, the system will automatically assign the next number in the sequence, disregarding the one that has been entered manually.

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