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  3. Tasks
  4. Creating a New Task
  5. How to Accept or Reject a Task

How to Accept or Reject a Task

After finishing a task, an assignee fills in a report and presses the Complete button.


  • assignee’s tasks move to the Waiting for Approval folder and stay in this folder until the owner approves it or resubmits to revision;
  • owner gets a notification on the fact that an assignee considers his work done and will return to the task in case any objections occur;
  • task moves from the Assigned to folder to the Needs my approval folder in the owner’s account.

Furthermore, a task owner is able to:

  • reject a tasks and request changes, commenting on what an assignee did wrong;
  • accept a task;
  • asses the task—good or bad results.

Anyway, whether a task is approved or not—assignee gets a notification on such a result.

At the end of the month the grades assigned to the finished tasks and number of tasks rejected affect a quality indicator.

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