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  3. Projects
  4. Project Financial Management
  5. Cash Flow Forecasting
  6. How to Record an Actual Project Expense

How to Record an Actual Project Expense

You can record the project expenses in several ways.

Option #1: Projects

Go to the project expenses in the FinanceExpenses. Open the estimated expense and click the Add Actual Expense button.

A window for creating an expense will open, in which all data is already filled out.

If necessary, change the organization and/or the account from which the money was received. Below, you will see an automatically generated transaction. In the transaction, you can specify a name (note), change the amount, and also split the expense amount into several transactions.

How to split the expense into several transactions.

Option #2: Finance

Go to the Finance > the Money tab and click on the Expense button.

A sidebar will open to create an expense.

Fill in the fields of the new expense.

In the Related to column, assign a transaction to your project and estimated expense.

You can record only the actual expenses, without making a preliminary expense schedule for your project. 

You can also create an expense with reference only to the project in the Finance > Money, ignoring the field for choosing the estimated expense for the project.

Later, if necessary, you can link this expense to any estimated project expense—to an existing one or create a new one.

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