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Glossary of terms at Flowlu

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Flowlu - Glossary of terms at Flowlu
Task: A specific action or piece of work that needs to be completed as part of a project.
Time Tracking
Time Tracking: The process of recording and tracking the amount of time spent on different tasks and activities as part of a project.
Ticketing System
Ticketing System: A tool used for managing customer service inquiries and issues, often involving ticket creation, assignment, and tracking.
Task Management Software
Task Management Software: Software designed to help users manage their tasks and activities, often used for personal or professional organization and productivity.
To-Do List
To-Do List: A list of tasks or activities to be completed, often organized by priority or due date.
Task Assignment
Task Assignment: The process of assigning tasks or activities to specific team members or individuals, often done to delegate responsibility and ensure accountability.
Task Tracking
Task Tracking: The process of monitoring the progress and status of tasks or activities, often done to stay on top of deadlines and identify potential roadblocks.
Task Prioritization
Task Prioritization: The process of ranking tasks or activities by importance or urgency, often done to help users focus on the most critical items first.
Task Dependencies
Task Dependencies: The relationship between different tasks or activities, often involving the completion of one task before another can begin.
Team Calendars
Team Calendars: A shared calendar used to manage team schedules, deadlines, and meetings, often used to avoid scheduling conflicts and stay on track.
Tax Management
Tax Management: The process of managing taxes for an organization or individual, often involving activities such as tax planning, compliance, and filing.
Tax Calculation
Tax Calculation: The process of calculating taxes on invoices, often involving activities such as tax rate lookup, tax calculation, and tax reporting.
Tutorial: A step-by-step guide that provides instructions on how to perform a task or complete a process.
Troubleshooting: The process of identifying and resolving problems or issues that arise with a product or service.
Ticket: A record of a customer support request or issue.
Tag: A label assigned to an article or tutorial to help categorize it and make it easier to find.
Topic: A specific subject or theme represented by a node on a mind map.
Template: A pre-designed layout and structure for a mind map, used to save time and provide consistency across multiple mind maps.
Target Audience
Target Audience: The group of people who are most likely to buy a product or service.
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